Thursday, December 4, 2008

Eastbourne Village Carnival

Once again the Muritai School Eastbourne Village Carnival was a huge success. Developed 7 years ago as part of our commitment to our community the carnival is principally a fundraiser for the school but the size of the event must also have huge spin offs for the community of Eastbourne. About 10,000 people came to our little village to see what was on offer and experienced various forms of entertainment from music, stalls, fun for the kids and wholesome food. An amazing group of parents put together a wonderful event and we raised around $60,000 for an upgrade of our school library. We managed to get 150 stalls into the surrounding streets which was a real achievement. Almost every school parent became involved in some way or another from donating gear, baking or making, running a stall or setting up or cleaning up. Our children were heavily involved as well with all our senior students contributing in some way or another. Thank you carnival team. You have done us proud.

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