Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Getting enough sleep helps learning

Preparing for learning is a really important part of the learning cycle. Eating the right food, having a good attitude, having the right equipment, getting good exercise and being well rested all influence the learning experience for children and contributes heavily to whether they will experience successful outcomes. 

Boston College found NZ children to have the second highest number of sleep-deprived children, behind the United States.

The international comparison, carried out by Boston College, found the United States to have the highest number of sleep deprived students, with 73% of 9-10 year olds and 80% of 13-14 year olds identified by their teachers as being adversely affected.

"I think we underestimate the impact of sleep. Our data shows that across countries internationally, on average, children who have more sleep achieve higher in maths, science and reading. That is exactly what our data shows," says Chad Minnich, of the TIMMSS and PIRLS International Study Centre. 

The analysis wa spart of the huge data-gathering process for global education rankings - The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).

Read the BBC summary article by clicking here.

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